This photo is eye-catching because the light is cornered in the photo. You can see that the light from the Sun is shinning in but it isn't in the actual photo. This has strong composition because it isn't focused on the Sun but the light adds texture to the surroundings. ISO: 32 Shutter speed: 1/173 F-stop: 2.2 Camera Mode: manual
This photo is eye-catching because the light that is showing is creating just enough brightness to be able to see the lockers and the rest of the hallway. There is a also a reflection on the lockers, allowing more of the background to be seen. This photo has strong composition because the light is creating an outline toward the end of the hallway. ISO: 32 Shutter speed: 1/394 F-stop: 2.2 Camera Mode: manual
This photo is eye-catching because it's not completely symmetrical, but still has that symmetrical look to it. This photo has composition because its lower than the normal human-height perspective. The lines in the photo add to the composition. ISO: 64 Shutter speed: 1/120 F-stop: 2.2 Camera Mode: manual
ISO: 100 Shutter speed: 1/30 F-stop: 3.5 Camera Mode: manual
ISO: 50 Shutter speed: 1/30 F-stop: 2.2 Camera Mode: manual |
I love the double doors and the angle you captured!